Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Things First.

Graphic design is important because if we didnt have it we wouldnt have anything in this world to look at. Everything and anything has some sort of design to it. If you look at any man made thing, anywhere; youll see that it has some sort of design. I mean obviously. You cant create something without planning out how it will look first.

I think that I have gotten to be a better designer in this class because I have been taught alot. I have been taught how to use photoshop, and other programs that I wouldve never learned how to do if I didnt take this class. Ive made some really cool things in this class. From the wall picture, to the advertisement, to the magazine cover, to the t-shirt; Ive made alot of really cool things in this class and honestly, I might miss it.

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