Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Things First.

Graphic design is important because if we didnt have it we wouldnt have anything in this world to look at. Everything and anything has some sort of design to it. If you look at any man made thing, anywhere; youll see that it has some sort of design. I mean obviously. You cant create something without planning out how it will look first.

I think that I have gotten to be a better designer in this class because I have been taught alot. I have been taught how to use photoshop, and other programs that I wouldve never learned how to do if I didnt take this class. Ive made some really cool things in this class. From the wall picture, to the advertisement, to the magazine cover, to the t-shirt; Ive made alot of really cool things in this class and honestly, I might miss it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Woman Robot

For this assignment I had to create a photo manipulation. I made a robot woman by making it look like she has no skin in some spots. She has no skin in the few spots and you can see part of the background where her skin is gone and that makes it look like her skin was being ripped away so there's nothing there. If that makes sense.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Graduation Invitation

For this assignment we had to make a graduation invitation. I made mine how I would make it when I do graduate.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


For this assignment we were entered into a t-shirt contest, so we had to create a t-shirt.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What people really talk about when discussing Lady Gaga.

For this assignment, we had to make an Infographic. I chose Lady Gaga or mine because she is talked about alot, and I wanted it to be somewhat interesting to see what people actually talk about; when they talk about her.

Infographic Timeline

For this assignment, we had to make an Infographic Timeline, and put things on it that had to do with graphic design. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


For this assignment we had to create apps on the computer, existing and non-existing. We then had to put the apps we created onto a blank iphone or blank windows screen. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Call, Music, Skype

For this assignment we had to make a page full of icons, that already existed, draw them, and then create them on whatever program we wanted. I made a calling app, a music app, and a skype app.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Ice Cream Wall

For this assignment we had to create a menu with ice cream flavours on it and then we had to paste it onto a blank wall. It was challenging because we had to make the menu the size of an entire wall and at the same time make it look like its actually on there.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


For this assignment, we had to open up Photoshop, photo copy something, tweek it a little bit and put it on a picture of a blank wall. I chose a bulldog with blue and gold behind it because of our school colors and mascot. I had to emboss the picture and make it have outer and inner shadows and texturize it. I also had to make it glow. This was a confusing but fun assignment.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Environmental Design

For this assignment we had to go around the school and find pictures of things that would model environmental graphic design. Then we had to make a collage of the pictures of environmental graphic design.

Friday, August 31, 2012


This assignment we had to create an advertisement based off of our magazine cover. I did mine over hair, so my advertisement was about hair also.

Magazine Cover

For this assignment, we had to make a cover of a magazine. I made mine over hairstyles and the different types. I chose hair because one day I would like to become a cosmetologist and be the one to style and cut hair.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tazsanay Jackson Inc.

Tazsanay Jackson Inc.
Identity Standards

2012 Edition

Introduction: A Consistent Identity
It is important for my company to have their own name, logo, colors, and company title. All for the reason of Copyright. You wouldn’t want someone taking your ideas and changing them a tiny bit to make them their own. What you create you should take the responsibility for, instead of someone else. It is also important to have your own ways of communication. You don’t want to share your communication ways with another company. Have your own email, own phone number, own address and your company will be set.

Fonts that are accepted by Tazsanay Jackson Inc. is Calibri and Arial. Secondary fonts that are accepted are Times New Roman and Verdana. We use these to keep our company documents un-cluttered and so that they look more professional and realistic. Font plays a huge part in the making and creating a business. If a computer that you are using doesn’t have these fonts, you may contact Computer Services and they will install them.

Tazsanay Jackson Inc.’s official colors are baby blue, white, and black. Neutral colors are gray and pink.

RGB Values:         HSV Values
R:187           H:195
                                                          G: 221          S: 19
B: 233          V: 91
                                                                      Hex: BBDDE9         
                                                                      Transparentcy Alpha:
Our company only have one correct logo. This is the logo that represents our company to the fullest.

Bad uses of Logos are:
Don’t make them too dark and hard to see.

Don’t make them super bright.

This is our business card, envelope, and letterheading.

Our webpage is actually a FACEBOOK webpage. All you have to do is go onto Facebook, type in the search bar “therealtaz” and our webpage should come up. Our profile photo is our logo, as seen here

Tazsanay Jackson Inc. is the #1 acting agency in the nation. We promise to help ALL young men and women become the actress’ and actors they strive to be. Anyone wanting to be an actor or actress,or anyone that has any questions whatsoever, call 308-660-3435 and we will be happy to help you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Letterhead, Business Card, Envelope

For this assignment, we had to create a business card, letterhead, and an envelope. We had to have an address, phone number, logo, e-mail, website, name, and occupation. I thought this one was more fun than making the logos, because I feel as though making the logo was more stressful, trying to get the lines perfect and everything to look just like i had it on the paper. That kinda stressed me out. I liked this assignment better. WAY, better.

Initials Design

           In graphic design we had to crate a design using our initials to use for a pretend company. We walked around the classroom after about 5 minutes of creating them and looked at everyones designs. We had to choose which design we liked the most and we had to put a little check mark by it. When that was all said and done we started creating them online, using Paint.Net. This design is what i came up with.