Thursday, September 27, 2012


For this assignment we were entered into a t-shirt contest, so we had to create a t-shirt.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What people really talk about when discussing Lady Gaga.

For this assignment, we had to make an Infographic. I chose Lady Gaga or mine because she is talked about alot, and I wanted it to be somewhat interesting to see what people actually talk about; when they talk about her.

Infographic Timeline

For this assignment, we had to make an Infographic Timeline, and put things on it that had to do with graphic design. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


For this assignment we had to create apps on the computer, existing and non-existing. We then had to put the apps we created onto a blank iphone or blank windows screen. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Call, Music, Skype

For this assignment we had to make a page full of icons, that already existed, draw them, and then create them on whatever program we wanted. I made a calling app, a music app, and a skype app.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Ice Cream Wall

For this assignment we had to create a menu with ice cream flavours on it and then we had to paste it onto a blank wall. It was challenging because we had to make the menu the size of an entire wall and at the same time make it look like its actually on there.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


For this assignment, we had to open up Photoshop, photo copy something, tweek it a little bit and put it on a picture of a blank wall. I chose a bulldog with blue and gold behind it because of our school colors and mascot. I had to emboss the picture and make it have outer and inner shadows and texturize it. I also had to make it glow. This was a confusing but fun assignment.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Environmental Design

For this assignment we had to go around the school and find pictures of things that would model environmental graphic design. Then we had to make a collage of the pictures of environmental graphic design.